OCC Oven Cleaning COVID-19 Update

OCC Oven Cleaning COVID-19 Update 2

While oven cleaning is probably the last thing on people’s minds in the midst of the COVID-19 outbreak, being as hygienic as you can in all areas is always a good thing.  We are also aware that lots of people working from home or being off work are taking the opportunity to thoroughly clean their home but does anyone really want to clean their oven themselves?  Here are some more good reasons to get your oven cleaned during this coronavirus situation.

Food Hygiene

Although the World Health Organisation advice about avoiding COVID-19 does not include getting your oven cleaned, it does mention food safety and specifically that all meat should be cooked thoroughly.  One benefit to having a clean oven is that it cooks food more evenly than a dirty one so it is easier to thoroughly cook things in a nice clean oven.  For all round health, it’s better to have a clean oven too as dirty ovens can be a breeding ground for germs and these can end up in the food you’re cooking.

Really Deep Clean

Obviously, if you’re at home with time on your hands, you could easily clean your own oven but aside from the fact that it’s not a job anyone relishes, the average person, even cleaning wizzes, can’t clean an oven as thoroughly as a professional oven cleaner.  Because we take everything that can be taken apart apart and use a dip tank with non-corrosive biochemicals to thoroughly clean shelves and other detachable parts, we give your oven the most thorough clean it can have to get rid of all the germs and help your oven to function more efficiently too.

Feel Good Factor

One thing people are overlooking about this coronavirus outbreak is the effect it is having on people’s state of mind.  It’s worrying and people are having to isolate themselves which is never a nice thing to have to do.  All round, it’s thoroughly got people down.  Now, we aren’t claiming that getting your oven cleaned is going to make you happy and disperse all those worries but it’s always a good feeling when you get things nice and clean.  It’s particularly satisfying if you’ve given your kitchen a really good clean – you know, pulled everything out the cupboards and cleaned them level of thorough clean – to have the oven sparkling clean too.

If you’re worried that it’s not a good time to have people in your house, we’d like to reassure you that we already have a great reputation for leaving your kitchen exactly as we found it (apart from the lovely clean oven) so we are very clean and we generally wear gloves to do our work anyway.  Exceptional measures we’re taking include not shaking hands and trying to maintain a 1 metre distance from our customers.  We’re also carrying hand sanitiser to use before and after we enter each home.  To get your oven cleaned to be super hygienic at this difficult time, please call us on 07770 667579 or email info@ovencleaning-company.com.

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